Output Power Meter

  • Product No:1840-A
  • Manufacturer:IET LABS, Inc. 

The General Radio 1840A measures audio-frequency power into any desired load. Its important uses include the measurement of:

  • Power output of oscillators, amplifiers, preamplifiers, transformers, transducers, and low-frequency lines.

  • Output impedance, by adjustment of the load to yield maximum power indication.

  • Frequency-response characteristics of amplifiers, transformers, and other audio-frequency devices.

  • Acoustical Output: ◦Frequencies: 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz

  • Frequency Accuracy: ±3%

  • Output Level: 114 dB re 20 x 10-6 µN/m-2

  • Level Accuracy: at 23oC and 790 mm Hg:

  • ±0.3 dB @ 500 Hz;

  • ±0.5 dB @ other frequencies.

  • Output Voltage: 1.0 V ±20% behind 6000 Ω. 

  • Frequency Characteristic: Output is flat ±2%.

  • Distortion: < 0.5%.

  • Operating Environment: 0 to 40oC, 0 to 95% relative humidity.