Film Wizard™ Software

  • Product No:Film Wizard™
  • Manufacturer:Scientific Computing International

Film Wizard™ Professional is the most powerful, versatile, and user-friendly software package ever to be offered to the thin film engineer/scientist. It combines optimization and synthesis design capabilities with powerful analytical tools for interpreting spectrophotometric and ellipsometric data, modeling of film layers, and performing regressions to determine actual thicknesses and indices of deposited layers    

  • Incorporates five new optical thin film synthesis methods including Needle Synthesis.

  • Provides seven optimization algorithms, three of which are global.

  • Provides a constrained optimization option where the user may input maximum and minimum bounds for any variable that is optimized.

  • Computes and optimizes transmittance, reflectance, absorbtance, transmitted phase, reflected phase,ellipsometric parameters (tan(Ψ), cos(Δ), Ψ, Δ), optical density, user defined targets (e.g., Ts/Rp – Rs/Tp), electric field, and color coordinate targets.

  • Incorporates several unique material/layer models (Rugate, EMA, Graded, User Defined Index, and Super Lattices) which give the thin film designer more power and flexibility to determine solutions of complex design and material characterization problems.

  • Provides excellent 2D, contour, and 3D graphics.

  • Incorporates a VB style Macro Language.