High Accuracy Spectroscopic Reflectometry Thin Film Measurement System

  • Product No:FilmTek 2000M
  • Manufacturer:Scientific Computing International
  • Microscope based table-top system

  • Measurement of spectroscopic reflection at normal to the surface in the wavelength range of 400nm-950nm

  • Non-contact measurement, spot size down to 10um

  • Measurement of thickness, n(l), k(l), energy band gap, & multi-layers for films that show sensitivity in the visible range

  • Manual X-Y stage with knobs for 6” x 6” movement    

  • Film thickness range: 5nm to 350µm (5nm to 150µm is standard)

  • Film thickness accuracy: ±1.5Å for NIST traceable standard oxide 1000Å to 1µm

  • CD precision (1σ): <0.2%

  • Spectral range: 380nm to 1700nm ( 380nm to 1000nm is standard)

  • Measurement spot size: 2µm (5×10µm standard with 10x objective)

  • Sample size: 2mm to 300mm (150mm is standard)

  • Spectral resolution: 0.3-2nm

  • Light source: Regulated halogen lamp (2,000 hrs lifetime)

  • Detector type: 2048 pixel Sony linear CCD array / 512 pixel cooled  Hamamatsu InGaAs CCD array (NIR