High Voltage Power Amplifiers

  • Product No:PZD700A-1/PZD700A-2
  • Manufacturer:Trek, Inc.

The Trek Model PZD350A is a high-voltage DC-stable piezo driver/amplifier designed to provide precise control of output voltages in bipolar or unipolar ranges that are customer specified within a range of available settings. 

  • Output Voltage: 0 ~ ±700 V,0 ~ +1.4 kV,0 ~ -1.4 kV

  • Output Current: 0 ~ ±100 mA,0 ~ ±50 mA,0 ~ ±50 mA

  • Slew Rate: Greater than 380 V/µs

  • Large Signal Bandwidth Biploar:DC to greater than 125KHz(-3dB)

                                    Unipolar:DC to greater than 120KHz(-3dB)

  • Small Signal Bandwidth :DC to greater than 200KHz(-3dB)

  • Gain: 0 to 200 V/V, adjustable using a front panel potentiometer